Wednesday, April 6, 2011

HW Post 4/6/11

A new video that has recently gone viral is the video of the twin baby boys who are having what appears to be a full conversation between them. They seem to completely understand what the other one is saying and they use similar mannerisms that adults use when having a conversation with a peer.  I wouldn’t necessarily consider this video content "compelling," however; it is hard to find a hard hitting news youtube video, considering most people put up videos purely for entertainment value. Nevertheless, I will say that the content in this video is adorable and I believe that that is the main reason as to why it went viral and became as popular as it did so quickly. I also think that it went viral because of the maturity that the babies seem to show, and the way that they are acting as though they are having a conversation that only they can understand. Society seems to have a strong interest in cute kid/babies doing things that are either funny or weird, since children are so innocent that they can be funny and cute without intentionally trying to do so. I think that people can become entertained by videos that get them to laugh and two babies having a conversation definitely can do that.

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